vegan af News

Beyond Meat Launching Healthier Burger This Spring

(Vegan AF) — Beyond Meat is revamping its burgers and beef to align with consumer demands for more healthier, great ...

MorningStar Farms Riblets Returning in Spring 2024

(Vegan AF) — MorningStar Farms announced that their Riblets will be permanently returning to stores in Spring 2024. ...

Tyson Foods Closing Four More Chicken Plants as Business Slumps

(Vegan AF) -- Shares of the meat-processing giant Tyson Foods, tumbled over 8% to $51.90 after disclosing on Monday ...

Taco Bell Tested Vegan Crunchwrap in Select Cities

(Vegan AF) — Earlier this month, Taco Bell tested out a vegan version of their iconic Crunchwrap in select cities. H...

FDA: Plant-Based Beverages Can Still Be Called Milk

(Vegan AF) — According to a proposal by the FDA, plant-based beverage companies can continue to use the term "milk",...

Starbucks Testing Vegan Whipped Cream at Two US Locations

(Vegan AF) — Starbucks continues to deliver on their promise to offer customers more plant-based options. They are c...

Largest Meat Producer in United States Launches Plant-Based Options

(Vegan AF) — Tyson Foods, the largest meat producer in the United States, has launched new plant-based products unde...

Baskin-Robbins Launches New Vegan Oat Milk Flavor Nationwide

(Vegan AF) — Baskin-Robbins has announced that they have launched a vegan oat milk ice cream for their Flavor of the...
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